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Code of Conduct

The challenge

How do you dramatise a long list of essential regulations in a compelling way, so staff can absorb them quickly and easily, without the drama of a long-drawn-out production process?

A world of personality, built for efficiency

We worked with our friends at Connected Pictures to turn a 52-page code of conduct document into 17 short, character-led animations.

To speed up production, we created an own-able cast of characters and world of assets for the brand, that could not only tell our 17 stories, but could be called back for all kinds of future productions too.

This kit of elements, along with rapid script development, enabled us to hit a tight deadline and offer even more rapid production for future projects set in the same world.

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Client Glencore Agency Connected Pictures
Creative Studio One Small Pixel Executive Producers Hugh Ip Stephen Marsh Producer Joe Binks Art Direction and Animation Cumi Danny Romano

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