How do you create a double-measure of video art for a vodka brand, with almost no video assets and a wide-open brief?
Stoli Elit Vodka wanted to launch their new geometric bottle designs by celebrated NYC artist ‘EnHancE’, on the New York club scene. And we were challenged to create the impactful supporting video to screen at live club events, on a loose theme of ‘fire and ice’, with only an unrelated TV commercial to work with.
This demanded the creation of almost the entire piece from scratch in an iterative process using CG and in-camera effects.
Our concept echoed the new bottle design with the ‘fire’ of jagged lighting-forms and the angular cracks found in ice, coming together to create its geometric design in a dark atmospheric space. We created experimental effects in-camera by shooting real ice and bottles.
These were then combined with a wolf lifted from the original TV commercial and pack-shots, fluorescent lighting and smoke created entirely in CG. Resulting in a seamless piece of video art, with a real kick.
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